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March 11, 2004 - 5:30 PM

Boo Radley Surprise Tree

Do you remember my pre-New Years Eve drunk festwhere my friend and I took pictures of each other on the potty?

Not always the smartest thing to do, but heck..we were intoxicated. What do you want from me?

Well, one of the peeps that was there with us that night is a designer/artist type and he just told us that he is working on a new piece to hang in his bathroom that was inspired by our photos.

Here it is...still a work in progress:

My breasts are a little pointier than those..but other than's a pretty close likeness.

Then the other night, I was driving to the gym, singing along to a song, when alluva sudden, I became extremely aware of my lips.

It was as though the effects of some sort of mind enhancing drug came over me and all I knew were the feeling of my lips..touching each other, moving, feeling. It was kind of like how your lips come alive during a first kiss. When you feel and feel and feel with them and you just want to kiss for the sake of that feeling of lips on lips and how they've never felt so MUCH before. They've just kinduv been like fleshy baggage that is taken for granted how important they really are.

But I became self-aware...but of just my lips.

So I sang. and it was a fast moving, rappy type of song where you had to play lyrical raquetball with your mouth and that just made the awareness so frickin cool and i was feeling my lips and how they were their own hub of beingness and even while i was aware of this, it kept going and I just went with it and wondered at the why. But stayed in the moment and the life my lips had suddenly taken on.

Perhaps it was my lips' idea of reminding me that they were there and that i should be happy about that and maybe, just maybe, I should be paying them some attention.

and right then, for about five minutes, i paid..and paid...and paid.

3 That's so headgear...

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Axis: Bold As Love - July 01, 2004
Downside - June 30, 2004
random crap---its monday - June 28, 2004
Quest for Feet - June 25, 2004
I Don't Heart Gnats - June 24, 2004

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