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June 23, 2004 - 1:32 PM

She's On Fire!

Planty is dying and I blame nobody else but myself.

I stopped talking to him and I think I mighta forgot to water him once or twice.

I don�t put him in the sun anymore.

One whole stem is black and shriveled up.

Sorry Planty. I am killing you softly.

And my boss just said I looked like a tramp�but in a good way.

I think it�s the heels with the tight Capri jeans and feminine shirt that shows just a bit of the tops of my dirty pillows.

(I�ll give you a high five and a make out if you can tell me where this quote is from: �Everyone can see your dirty pillows", "They're called breasts mama")

She said that��You look trampy today�.but in a good way.�.

I said, �You�re a bitch�but I mean that with the best intentions.�

She laughed on the outside. I hope she laughed on the inside.

Lookit my cool SpongeBob ring.

It hasn�t broken yet.

And I don�t even like SpongeBob exactly, but I like this ring.

It does in no way kick the ass of my Ninja Turtle Ring (RIP), but it will do for now.

Boss update. (shes a female boss btw). I ran into her by the copy machine and she said, �You�re not offended that I called you trampy are you?� and I said, �No.� and she said, �It�s just you look so girlie today. I�m not used to you wearing heels like that.� And I said, �It�s cool.� And then she tried to mack on me but I slapped her ass bad-girl-HARD and said, �Down Bitch!� and she chilled out and I said, �We�ll just forget that ever happened.�

I think I have a strong case for sexual harassment. Although I think she might have one too considering that when we shared a suite in Vegas I asked her if she could wear her cop uniform for me and we could play high school girl out after curfew meets pervy policeman.

9 That's so headgear...

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Axis: Bold As Love - July 01, 2004
Downside - June 30, 2004
random crap---its monday - June 28, 2004
Quest for Feet - June 25, 2004
I Don't Heart Gnats - June 24, 2004

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