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February 23, 2004 - 12:45 PM

East Coast Hot

I'm hotter in New York. I swear.

And it takes a lot for me to say anything good about myself.

I'm not sure what....but something happens when I'm out there and suddenly..I'm hot.

Not sure if it's the large outer garments hiding my larger than small body shape. My big black coat with red pashmina, my red gloves...head and knees down the only things visible.

Maybe the cold air turning my cheeks pink and freezing my face into an environmental face-lift like state?

Why do I say this?

Why do I think NYC makes me hot?

Let me tell you...

And at first, I didn't believe it.

At first I just figured it was a fluke.

But flukes don't just keep happening. Flukes happen and then normal things proceed.

And maybe it's NY and it's not me.

Cuz the first night we went out, a man from Ohio turned me away from the direction of my husband and told me that it's not fair that a gal like me was already married...that my husband was a lucky man. And maybe he was just saying that because he was drunk and maybe he was just saying that because I was kissing my girlfriend.

But it's what he said.

And he's not from NY so there goes that theory.

Then there ws the next night out where two different guys told me very amazing things about myself. Things that you always want to hear about yourself...things you want to be. Things you feel you are not.

And true, these two guys are good friends, but these two guys also told me things that THEIR friends said about me...nice things...and I never met those guys before this trip.

So I dunno.

But whatever...then comes the weird part.

So, I'm standing in our booth at the show we are working. Crowds of customers swarm by, but our booth is empty. Alluva sudden, this tall, professionally dressed, fairly handsome man walks into the booth toward me. I smile and say hello cuz you're supposed to be nice to the potential customers.

He says nothing.

Instead, he stops in front of me and says nothing.

An uncomfortable beat goes by and without any warning he says, "Your eyes are amazing." and walks off.

Just walks off.

What did I do?

I made some unintelligible sound combined with the word, "Wow!" and a delayed "thanks" shouted at his back as he disappeared through the crowd.

What the?

This kind of thing never happens to me.

I mean, it's stuff I always THINK of happening to, "..wouldn't it be cool if..."..but it's just not reality.

It's the stuff of films and romance novels.

Not my life.

My smile lasted the rest of that hour...and returned intermittently when I remembered the occurrence.

And that was all well and good, and maybe someone paid him off, but it was cool. Ya know?

And then that night I had to pack cuz I was gonna be leaving and I was starving and my sights focused on Ray's Pizza. This was my last night in NYC and I was exhausted.

I put my coat on and ventured into the streets.

Ray's was 3 blocks up so I walked.

Alluva sudden (again) while starting to cross the street, a guy, coming towards me from the other direction leans over and says, "Hi sexy." as he passes me.

Incredulous, I look over my shoulder...maybe I know him..(what the?!)..and he shoots me a look over his shoulder, smiles and give me a little satisfied wave and keeps walking.

Floored me.

Now, please don't misunderstand. I'm NOT hot. I'm pretty at best and that's only on a good day. And good days are as common as Asian men with 12 inch you can see why I'm a bit surprised at all of the favorable comments I got during my stay.

In fact, my everyday self-esteem levels are normally below sea-level, so getting all of these nice random things said to me within a span of 6 days really had me floating 2 feet off the dirty sidewalks.

Girls want to hear these things people. Especially if they're random and apropos of nothing.

To walk up to a perfect stranger, exclaim, "Your eyes are amazing." and simply walk off could truly change a person's day. To give a kind word or a nice gesture and not expect anything in return is like giving little gifts gifts...that might mean more than you can imagine.

And I was handed a ton of them.

And it was good.

And now I'm sitting in seat 4B waiting for people to board so I can fly 6 hours back to the Wesssiiidde. (it's the besstsiiiddee)

Where I will return to being unnoticed, ignored and unattractive.

A schlub.

Which is why I secretly prayed that I would have reason to stay another day...

But that didn't happen.

And that's probably good.

360 more days until I'm East Coast hot again.

Dasa long time to wait.


10 That's so headgear...

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random crap---its monday - June 28, 2004
Quest for Feet - June 25, 2004
I Don't Heart Gnats - June 24, 2004

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