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May 01, 2004 - 7:59 PM

Falco and Hairshirt

Friday night I went to this place to see a guy play music. (Check their calendar for Friday night, April 30th' show.)

I've loved this guy's music since the first time I ever heard him play. This must've been '97.

Nice guy.

Likes to play in hotel rooms for small groups of special people and once in a while breaks out into song in teenage girl's living rooms or coffee shops inside Borders Bookstores.

Turns small boy's drawings into t-shirt artwork.

In any case.

It was his birthday bash.

He came out and played all new songs from his upcoming album.

He was joined by Tracy Bonham and the magnificent Dave Gibbs from the Gigolo Aunts. Another very cool little band.

And we all listened. And it was great.

Then it was Live Band 80's Karaoke.

And it was hosted by The Greatest American Hero.

Who was, as it turns out, a very good singer and the ex-host of MTV's Singled Out.

He had no package

People came up and did really interesting interpretations of 80's hits. Some people picked easy to sing songs by the Plimsouls and The Clash.

This lady(?), dressed in 80's garb, did a really horrible version of Careless Whisper. My ears were bleeding.

But she had enthusiasm. You had to give her points for that.

Some people brought their own microphones.

Another ex-MTV Vee Jay Dave something or other did a Go Go's song.

I stood up and did the Molly Ringwald 80's dance moves and he applauded me and then I immediately sat down.

Then Pat Benatar showed up and blew us away with her strangely male falsetto version of "Love Is A Battlefield".

It was all very memory lane.

A good time was had by most.

3 That's so headgear...

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Axis: Bold As Love - July 01, 2004
Downside - June 30, 2004
random crap---its monday - June 28, 2004
Quest for Feet - June 25, 2004
I Don't Heart Gnats - June 24, 2004

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