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February 26, 2004 - 11:59 AM

Fun With Pubic Hair

I thought about it a bit more and as it turns out I don't think my avant-garde pubic hair design idea is completely full proof as I originally thought�.at least for blondes and redheads. Their cookies won't be black and white. Their cookies will be like, yellowey-white and red-orangey and white.

And if you�re a sistah, your cookie will be black and black.

That blows the whole B&W cookie theme.

I mean, MY cookie happens to be decorated with black, and I would guess most Asians', Hispanics, Middle-Easterns', Romanians', Greeks', and Italians' cookies..are black too. Maybe the majority of the world has dark pubes. I mean, what's the percentage? I think there's gotta be fewer blondes and red-heads on the planet given the dominance of the darker-feature genes...right?

Maybe it would work for the most part�� Maybe I�m just doubting myself as usual.

But then I thought about another benefit of the B&W Cookie cut�the whole, � have your bush and eat it too� kind of thing.

Like, if you're partial to hairy bush, you have the whole "black" side of the cookie...and if you like it lookin' like a 10 year old's, you have the "white" side.

Or you could just go from side to side really fast and have it both ways.

So...I think more research will have to be involved...and I won't fully know the ramifications of growing half a bush until the grass completely grows in. Maybe the other cookies will make fun of mine... Maybe it will itch lots. Maybe there will be strange hygiene issues I hadn't fully counted on.


All I know NOW is...shaving half a cookie is a lot less hassle than shaving a whole one.

9 That's so headgear...

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